Friday, April 2, 2010

Our last two does kidded for march

Our last does kidded for March. There is one due in April and the next ones due are not until August and September months. . . at least we will have a few months of rest to build up from all the kiddings. We had Verona (a mini nubian doe) kid in the middle of the night Monday (some were in March). She had no problems kidding. She had two little bucklings. Their dad is Dreamy-Hollow Lando, The dad is a blue eyed and only one of the bucklings has blue eyes. And there mom is PawPaw Nin Verona.

The blue eyed buckling:

And then Buttermilk one of our 50%Boer/50%Nubians was having contractions when I went out to the goat pen so I brought her back and told mom. Then about ten minutes later she started pushing. And the first one was a little stuck but my mom was able to pull it out and it was a big buckling. Then she started pushing again and the second kids head popped out and I grabbed it and pulled it out, and it was a white doeling with a little grey on one of her ears. The buckling was 7 pounds almost 8 pounds, and the doeling was 5 pounds. The sire is Ace, and the dam is Buttermilk. But what is really weared is that the doeling has blue eyes, and blue eyes are not in her line. Also nubians and boers don't usually have blue eyes either, so I don't know were the blue eyes came from (she does not have blue eyes any more).

Right when the bubble popped, we looked down and the paper says "Bubble buster" on it.

Both Buttermilk and Reata her sister are licking off the kids.

The buckling:

The doeling:

Both the kids (the buckling is alot bigger then the doeling)

~ Haleluyah

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