Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baby Llama!!

Well, Thursday (January 6th, 2011) me and one of my sisters was loading hay. When we where done loading hay, my sister went to let the girls (does, ewes and the llama) out to pasture and she saw a foot sticking out of the llama!! Yikes! Our male llama left about 11 months ago, so he must've bred her right before he left! This was our first llama birth, but thankfully my sister read a fair amount online about llama births (and we have attended a TON of other animal births). She pushed his head and front feet out, and she let my sister come over and clean his nose off so he could breath. A few minutes later, she pushed the rest of him out. Normally the llama doesn't like us near her very much at all (unless we are feeding her grain!), but she let my sis clean him off and make him a bed of hay, because he was flopping *everywhere* and getting covered in dirt, which was kind of freaking us out a little!! Thankfully, my sister stayed pretty calm tho, because word had spread and several neighbors had come over to watch :)! Whenever we have an animal birth we often want to pull it out once the head has been there for a little bit. Llamas don't lick their babies (crias), so it was good that she let my sister help. Oh, yeah its a boy!

Here are some pictures of the birth ~





~ Haleluyah

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baby goats!!

Well, it has been a long time since I have posted. We have been very busy on the ranch (as usual). One of our Nubian does, Free Spirit Rosemary (for short we call her "Rosie") had twin boys January 3rd, 2011. It was around 2am that we got up and checked on Rosie, and sure enough, she was pushing! After a little while, she pushed out a HUGE buckling... we did not weigh him, but I'm guessing he was a good 10 lbs. A little while later, she pushed out another buckling who came out back-feet first, which I think was easier since their heads and shoulders were so big! Thankfully, the second kid was not as big as the first. Their sire is our Boer buck, Ace. Rosie's dam is, Laports Mahogany Sage. The first buckling looks more like a boer and second buckling looks more like a Nubian.

Here are a few pictures - 

Here is a picture of Rosie the day before she kidded.

These are the first kids feet coming out!

The first buckling . . . 

And here is the second buckling.

Here are a couple pictures of the two bucklings, taken Friday. This is the first buckling.

And here is the second buckling.

~ Haleluyah ~