Thursday, May 27, 2010

Some pictures of the sheep

We put our friends dorper ram in with our two barbados ewes and our two katahdin ewes, so that he can breed them, but I have not seen them get bred yet. Hopefully he will breed them.
Here are some pictures of our two Barbados sheep.
Sheila is on the left, and Bambi is on the right.

Here is Bambi. She is about three months old.

Here is Sheila, Bambi's mom.

Sheila and Bambi.

Here are a few of the goats (the does) meeting our friend's Dorper ram through the fence.
They don't know what to think of him.

Before I took this picture, that baby goat in the picture was trying to hide behind her mom, because she was scared.

This is not the same baby goat in the picture above.

A few pictures of the ram.

Have a great day!

~ Haleluyah

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